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 The Soda Can Alcohol Stove Snuffer
 Editor's note: Another kind contribution. Perry Michael Koussiafes and Ty Gould on a hot topic. Where the  switch is or how can I turn the thing off ?

Soda Can Alcohol Stove Snuffer

In one of the descriptions for making an alcohol stove from a soda can I read that to put it out it could be doused with water.  While this would work, I would prefer not to use my water in this fashion.  To let it burn out seems like a waste of fuel.  What is shown here is a snuffer that can extinguish the stove so that the unused fuel can be poured back into the fuel bottle (after cooling of course).

Materials Needed

  • One aluminum soda can
  • Scissors
  • Tape (I used aluminum tape, but I think duct tape would work just as well)

Step 1

Cut the top off of the can.

Step 2

Make 4 cuts along the length of the can.  These should be so that they form about a half-inch strip on opposite sides of the can.  Fold the strips over.

Step 3

Cut off the excess.  This will be what is in between the half-inch strips.

Step 4

We will now make an arch, which will be the handle.

Join the two half-inch strips together.  A small side cut near the end of the strips can be used to stitch the strips together forming an arch. 


 Small cut near ends  
 Stitch together


Cover the arch with tape.  This helps hold it together and also covers the sharp edges.

A narrow piece of tape around the circumference of the can helps stabilize the arch.

Shown are two complete snuffers.  The one on the left is as described in the instructions.  The one on the right uses a side handle.

Below are two soda can alcohol stoves.  The one on the left is covered with the snuffer to show how it fits.

This was developed by Ty Gould and Perry Michael Koussiafes.

 The Author's Website: N.A.

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